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Activation Assay
Suprachiasmatic Function in a Circadian Period Mutant: Duper alters light-induced activation of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide cells and PERIOD1 immunostaining 
Light exposure in early subjective night induced c-FOS-ir but not <t>PER1-ir</t> at the 2h survival point. (A) c-FOS-ir was not detected in the SCN of control hamsters 2h after cage movement, but after a 15’ light pulse at CT15, c-FOS-ir cells were found in both ventral and dorsal mid-SCN in similar numbers and intensities in wild type and duper mutant hamsters. (B) PER1 immunoreactivity in the SCN as a whole was similar in wild type and duper mutant hamsters. Neither the number of PER1-ir cells (C) nor PER1 staining intensity (mean±SEM, arbitrary units; D) was affected by the light pulse at this time point, although the light pulse resulted in a more ventral distribution of PER1-ir cells in duper hamsters [n.d. = not detectable; n.t. = not tested; Mann-Whitney test, *p=0.015].
Suprachiasmatic Function in a Circadian Period Mutant: Duper alters light-induced activation of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide cells and PERIOD1 immunostaining 
Effects of the duper mutation upon activation depends upon cell type. (A) A light pulse at CT15 increased the number of cFOS-ir/VIP-ir co-labeled cells 2h later in both duper (p=0.008) and WT (p=0.04) hamsters. The inductive effect of light on this population was greater in duper than WT hamsters (**, p= 0.02). (B) cFOS-ir intensity in VIP-ir cells increased in duper but not WT hamsters 2h after a light pulse at CT15 (*, p=0.05). (C) Light pulse at CT15 did not influence the percentage of VIP-ir cells containing <t>PER1</t> 2h later in either WT (p=0.81) or duper (p=0.57) hamsters. (D). Intensity of PER1-ir staining in VIP cells was not affected by light exposure or genotype.
Suprachiasmatic Function in a Circadian Period Mutant: Duper alters light-induced activation of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide cells and PERIOD1 immunostaining 
Photomicrographs illustrating immunostaining for cFOS-VIP, <t>PER1-VIP,</t> and AVP-cFOS-PER1. (A-D) Representative images of a double labeled SCN in Experiment 1. cFOS-ir (red) and VIP-ir (green) are shown in WT (A, B) and duper (C, D) hamsters 2h after either a cage movement (control procedure, A, C) or a 15-min light pulse (B, D) at CT15 (40X). (E-J) Double labeled SCN in Experiment 2. PER1-ir (red) and VIP-ir (green) are detected in WT (E, F) and duper (G, H) hamsters 6h after either a cage movement (E, G) or a 15-min light pulse (F, H) at CT15 (20X). White arrows indicate VIP co-labeled cells; light blue arrows indicate cells stained for VIP only. (I, J) Representative 10X images of WT SCN 1h after a light pulse at CT15 triple labeled (I) for AVP (blue), cFOS (green) and VIP (red) or double labeled (J) for PER1 and VIP. Note that PER1-ir cells are medial to cFOS-ir cells.
Suprachiasmatic Function in a Circadian Period Mutant: Duper alters light-induced activation of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide cells and PERIOD1 immunostaining The European journal of neuroscience, 2019 Dec 01
"Light exposure in early subjective night induced c-FOS-ir but not <t>PER1-ir</t> at the 2h survival point. (A) c-FOS-ir was not detected in the SCN of control hamsters 2h after cage movement, but after a 15’ light pulse at CT15, c-FOS-ir cells were found in both ventral and dorsal mid-SCN in similar numbers and intensities in wild type and duper mutant hamsters. (B) PER1 immunoreactivity in the SCN as a whole was similar in wild type and duper mutant hamsters. Neither the number of PER1-ir cells (C) nor PER1 staining intensity (mean±SEM, arbitrary units; D) was affected by the light pulse at this time point, although the light pulse resulted in a more ventral distribution of PER1-ir cells in duper hamsters [n.d. = not detectable; n.t. = not tested; Mann-Whitney test, *p=0.015]. "
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