Article Snippet
"Primary antibodies included: anti-VIP made in guinea pig (1:5000; Peninsula Labs, San Carlos, CA, T-5030); anti-PER1 made in rabbit (R43, 1:5000; a generous gift of David R. Weaver; LeSauter et al., 2012 ); anti-c-FOS made in goat (1:1000; Santa Cruz Biotech, Dallas, TX, sc-52-G); monoclonal anti-AVP associated neurophysin P45 made in mouse (1:50; ATC CRL 1798, kindly provided by Harold Gainer)."
Figure Legend
"Figure 1. Light exposure in early subjective night induced c-FOS-ir but not PER1-ir at the 2h survival point. (A) c-FOS-ir was not detected in the SCN of control hamsters 2h after cage movement, but after a 15’ light pulse at CT15, c-FOS-ir cells were found in both ventral and dorsal mid-SCN in similar numbers and intensities in wild type and duper mutant hamsters. (B) PER1 immunoreactivity in the SCN as a whole was similar in wild type and duper mutant hamsters. Neither the number of PER1-ir cells (C) nor PER1 staining intensity (mean±SEM, arbitrary units; D) was affected by the light pulse at this time point, although the light pulse resulted in a more ventral distribution of PER1-ir cells in duper hamsters [n.d. = not detectable; n.t. = not tested; Mann-Whitney test, *p=0.015]. "